The Garden At The Belvedere Centre (6)
The plants we put in the garden at The Belvedere Centre have established well in the damp of the early summer. The sunny border looks lovely and we have now started to lay the slate path and this looks great, especially after the rain, with alternate sections of green and purple slate that contrast with each other and with the plants in the adjacent beds.
Volunteers from the Belvedere Centre have been busy this week, with dry weather and the the lull of summer holidays allowing us to do large scale work.
Just over a month away, we are having a Garden Open Day on Sunday 2nd September 2012 (12 noon – 5pm) to let members of the public look around the garden. Admission will be free and there will be a barbecue, tea, cakes and craft and information stalls.
Read the next update about the garden.
Meanwhile, here are some more pictures of the garden:

Laying the first slate

The sunny border

The sunny border

Volunteer gardeners

Caucasian Crosswort, Phuopsis stylosa

View across the garden