Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Bob showing us how to prune a young apple tree
Today I went on a Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop at Morley St. Botolph, near Attleborough in South Norfolk, along with other Norfolk Master Gardeners.
It was great to be outdoors a cold but sunny day in such pleasant surroundings, amongst local varieties of apple such as “Captain Palmer” and “Baxter’s Pearmain”.
The course was organised by the East of England apples and Orchards Project (EEAOP), a charity that works to protect East Anglia’s orchards and local varieties of apple, pear, plum and cherry in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Our two very knowledgeable instructors, Bob and Kevin, showed us how to prune young and older apple trees and we were able to have plenty of hands on experience.
We all had an interesting and enjoyable day and I can thoroughly recommend the course.