The Garden At The Belvedere Centre (5)
Early June and time for another update on the garden at The Belvedere Centre. Since I last wrote about the garden on 15th May we’ve put in more plants and the existing plants have established themselves.
We had a week and a half of sunny and hot weather and the heavy clay in the centre of the garden cracked after only a few days of hot sunshine and several plants wilted alarmingly but they’ve recovered with a bit of water.
We now have two waterbutts and more are on their way. They’re not connected to the gutters yet but volunteers have filled them up with tap water, making watering after planting much, much easier.
Next step will be mulching the west-facing border to suppress weeds and conserve water.
Now for the photos:
Read the next update about the garden.

Shade border (detail)

Centre of garden (with Hakenechloa macra in foreground)

Geranium phaeum ‘Album’

Centre of garden

Filling the watering can

West-facing border, with Aubretia, Salvia ‘Mainacht’, Geranium sanguineum ‘Striatum’ and Verbascum ‘Cotswold Queen’