On today’s task at The Belvedere Centre we had a change from rain, as the showers were of hail. In spite of this we managed to finish off the path edges, plant a few more perennials and weed out the many Green Alkanet seedlings that are appearing in the flower beds.
Although some leggier growth has been damaged by heavy rain, most plants are settling in well and we’ve received plenty of praise for what we’ve done so far.
We need to finish off the planting in the centre of the garden and then put down a layer of permeable membrane on the paths and cover it with slate chippings. After that we’ll need to level up some of the slabs and do a bit more weeding, as well as putting down slabs for a barbecue area.
Thanks once again to those who have helped, by hard physical work, supplying cups of tea or giving us plants. We have made a lot of progress since I last wrote about the garden on 24th April.
Read the next update about the garden.

Using a mattock to remove roots

Putting in bed edging

Shade Border

The wooden bed edges are in place
